Monday, January 4, 2010

Introduction to this Blog on Proverbs

As if by inspiration, the church father's divided the book of Proverbs into 31 chapters in our English Bibles. This easily allows for a recommended practice of reading a chapter each day of the month. While this may make for good devotional discipline, the subject matter is highly fragmented, leaving the reader with a sense of being overwhelmed.

Twenty-five years ago, I was privileged to take part in a Bible study where the verses of a photocopied version were collected into topics like money, pride, the tongue, etc. I found this exercise strengthened the message both by quantity and by applying the combined analysis of all the proverbs on that topic at one sitting.

You can take this on as a project yourself, or you can follow this blog, where I will be working through the book of Proverbs topically. While one can parse until the cows come home, I have broadened the categories such that I will be able to cover one every other week. During the week, I will be discussing the proverb grouping from the various perspectives provided by individual verses including broader Bible references used for each.

Take your fill!

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